
Adenomyosis is a condition very similar to endometriosis, but it occurs with the cells growing within the lining of the uterus.  Adenomyosis is most common in women in their 30’s and 40’s however it can appear earlier.  Adenomyosis typically stops being a problem with Menopause.

Adenomyosis is said to occur in around one third of women, many of whom do not experience any symptoms at all. For those women who do, the typical signs of adenomyosis are brownish discharge after a period, prolonged and heavy periods, passing clots, severe period pain and pain with intercourse.  Adenomyosis causes a painful and tender uterus, where pockets of fluid are trapped within the wall of the uterus building up pressure, and drain slowly, appearing as brownish, old blood at the end of a period.

More recently adenomyosis can be recognised as a strong possibility with specialist ultrasonography or MRI scan, but still, the only true diagnosis can be made on Histology when the uterus is removed at hysterectomy and looked at under a microscope, proving the diagnosis, and curing the heavy bleeding and hopefully the pain that was the original reason for investigations.

The management is based on symptoms and can range from wait and see, to a Mirena, to oral hormone treatment, to uterine embolization, or surgery. The choice is determined by your age, desire for future fertility, and personal preferences.

Adenomyosis is a condition that can be managed by a Specialist Gynaecologist, following a referral from your General Practitioner.

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